Home > About the International thing.....

About the International thing.....

May 5th, 2009 at 10:29 pm

After my relative passed away some years ago....I felt both alone, and I felt this urgency to live my life to the fullest. The reality that I could pass away alone in my apartment sort of freaking me out, and the fact that I felt the last person who really truly loved me as family had died, left me sort of adrift in some ways.

So, I didn't think wisely, and I refinanced my car to pay for my trip. Yeah, this was VERY silly. The job I had at the time had me on a semi-tight budget, and it would have taken me more than a couple of years to save for any sort of international travel. At that time my debt was less, my savings was higher, and I was on a tight budget.

Do I regret refinancing my car? In some ways yes, I do, as I am still paying on a car that is almost 10 years old (I bought it used). On the other hand, the thing that makes me the happiest, and brings joy to me when I think about it, is when I traveled. I went to a few European countries and man, I smile when I think of the places I visited.

Now, for some people, traveling is no big deal. International travel is normal for them. But for me, I came from a family and a childhood where I would count out pennies in order to get up money for the local budget matinee and some super cheap dollar menu type fast food. That was a splurge when I was a kid. So, to see places that my parents never got to visit, AND, to visit them on my own, as a solo woman traveler, means a heckuva lot to me. I always smile when I think of the different transit systems, reading signs and directions in a different language, the unique types of food, etc. I feel more vibrant when I am traveling.

It may not have been the best decision, but I traveled on a budget, I stayed at the cheapest (but cleanest), hotels I could find, and I felt this super duper energy that I don't always feel now. I am working on regaining that energy and joie de vivre as I have been lacking in it lately.

2 Responses to “About the International thing.....”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    i love your entries so far, welcome to SA. it sounds like your trip was worth it, even if it came with debt. sometimes you have to weigh up the bad against the good and come out with the okay. debt it horrible, but then again it depends on what you use it for. i look forward to your future posts! Big Grin

  2. Amber Says:

    Welcome, I feel like if you enjoyed our trip then's time to move forward and make those changes that will allow you to do what you love without any worries. Good luck

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