Home > Having the Grrrrrrssssss

Having the Grrrrrrssssss

August 28th, 2009 at 04:49 pm

That is my way of saying that I am feeling a tad bit on the irritable side today.


The weather is warm, and I am just not feeling like sweating like a stuck pig on the way home.

I was doing some reading online yesterday, and I want to give up wheat and dairy for a week and see how my body deals with it. Yeah, but that part costs I am going to think about how I am going to manage it.

I really need to do some journaling because I am just feeling tired and irritable and sad. I just want to spend this weekend cleaning, relaxing, and catching up on reading all of the books I checked out of the library...I don't take enough time for reading like I used to.

I also realize that I need to take better care of myself in terms of sleeping. I get maybe 5-6 hours of sleep per night, and most nights, because my boyfriend comes in late, I am woken up 1 or 2 times during the middle of the night. I think that is beginning to make me more tired.

I am going to get some vitamins soon and really start trying to get more rest. I have been looking into seeing if I am having adrenal fatigue and one of the things I read about that is that a veggie and fruit filled diet and plenty of rest really helps the adrenals.

I changed the text color so now people can read the comments! I hope the blue is not too tough on the eyes.

I don't think my doctor is very fond of me right now. Sigh. I really want his support, but I just can't accept some of the things he says because it is from more of a western medicine view point and some of the things he says goes against everything I have been studying for years....sigh.

3 Responses to “Having the Grrrrrrssssss”

  1. anonymous Says:

    Yeah, it is hard on my eyes, but I just hit drop down menu at the top right-hand corner of your page and choose "default blue and brown" for the Layout. That is how I was previously able to read the comments, too.

  2. lizajane Says:

    I don't see blue. I see green on your blog. But the thing that struck me kind of funny is the green made me think of the Grinch, and you said you were feeling grouchy so it all just fit!

  3. Cassandra Says:

    Thanks for that tip anonymous! I didn't know I could do that.

    I'm curious about why you are thinking of giving up wheat and dairy. I've been reading a lot on it lately because one of fiance's relatives has Celiac disease.

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