Home > Awkward


November 25th, 2009 at 05:20 am

Today I felt really awkward. I went with a friend grocery shopping, and as she said how much she had to spend, I just felt so upset at myself. Her budget for Thanksgiving was ALOT---almost my entire monthly food budget. I asked for help with buying a few food items---less than $10---I wasn't sure if she would say yes or no, but I figured I would ask. She explained how she had more items to buy, and couldn't help me out but would help me out next month. I appreciated her help, and I felt weird because I don't think she knows how I am counting out money for even the most basic necessities. I felt like crying----I am upset at myself for letting myself get in this situation. Thankfully, in less than 3 years I should have my debt paid off and will be much more budget minded.

I wanted so man things in the store---even just the simplest of food items. It was weird realizing that I can't get myself even a healthy treat because of bad spending habits. I am not very happy with myself right now.

2 Responses to “Awkward”

  1. miz pat Says:

    Dear, you are going through a bad stretch, but you are also doing good stuff. Don't beat yourself up and don't forget to eat.

  2. merch Says:

    I think you just need to take a pause an look at the long term. You're going through a tough time now, but in a year, what will your life be like?

    In other words keep doing smart things and at some point, things will start to break free. This to shall pass.

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